  1. Your use of the Services is at your sole risk. You agree to back-up all of your User Content so that you can access and use it when needed. Whois Choice does not warrant that it backs-up any Account or User Content, and you agree to accept as a risk the loss of any and all of your User Content.
  2. You as a Whois Choice User agree that in no case, Whois Choice can be held responsible for the loss of data in any circumstances.
  3. Clients who have subscribed for paid backup service with shared and reseller hosting plans. For such clients, we take daily backup of database with retention period of 7 days. Website backup will be taken weekly with retention period of 1 day. Any backup copy maintained by Whois Choice will not have any emails or media file included in it.
  4. Clients using cPanel Backup Manager tool for backups should download the backup from the server and delete it. On every Sunday, all the backup files are removed from the server without any notification. You are not allowed to use the hosting space to store backups.
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